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Our Legacy Of Testimonials

This list has been collected over years, from Fruit&VeggiePOD™ owners:

Our Legacy Of Testimonials

Got the Fruit&VeggiePOD, and its on our counter.  Working great and helping keep those fruits & veggies prominent.

Thanks and keep up the good work, 

~ Mark Peck - CISP®  


I recently started using the Fruit&VeggiePOD at home with great success.  Having veggies always displayed beautifully on the counter, helps to keep veggies at the front of our thoughts when grabbing healthy snacks and meals.  I also have noticed a major reduction in food waste.  We always buy so many veggies, but as the week goes on they start to get lost in the fridge.  Now I put the ones I want to be eaten first in the dome and utilize them before they go bad. The kids, Ivy is 8 and Aussie is 7, get excited to see what has been added daily.  I am a big believer in variation in vegetables and fruit and this POD helps us eat the rainbow! 

~Joey DeSantis, ND RN


"The Fruit&VeggiePOD has been fun to play with and make fresh fruits and vegetables more accessible". 

~ John MacArthur

Director, Contract Manufacturing Director, Contract Manufacturing

ConAgra Foods-Lamb Weston


"We really love them!"

~ Kimberly Herbert


Chief Vibe Officer | eCornell Plant Based Nutrition | Advanced QuickBooks & Payroll Certified Pro



Am always skeptical of these products but took a chance and ordered the dome and boy was I surprised It does what it’s supposed to do. I love it . Keeps the veggies and fruit fresh Keeps you from throwing away products. 

~ Diane


I use this to store limes and lemons. While the product directions say that citrus will last 2 days, I have found that mine stay fresh and usable for over 7 days. The Produce Saver looks great on my counter and frees space in my small crisper. I love it!

~ Elizabeth


I've kept radishes, baby carrots & celery fresh and crisp for 5 days and counting, much longer than I expected. I was able to keep a tomato fresh as I used it up, one sandwich slice at a time. A sliced cucumber, too. This is beautiful dome is going to save me a ton of money and guilt over spoiled food.

~ Penny


** "I am using it for mostly vegetables now I loved how you referred to the VeggiDome as a ‘cookie jar’ for vegetables."

~ Laura Crotty 

Culinary Writer


“The product is terrific!  probably going to order another one - My wife and I are trialing a range of different foods, with great results so far
~ Dr. David L. Katz, Founder, DietID 


“David and I love it!”
~ Catherine Katz Founder, Cuisinity 


I ordered my Fruit&VeggiePOD on Friday and already received it today! So quick from CA to WI!The dome is high quality and beautiful! It is the perfect centerpiece! And it is packaged in cardboard, no styrofoam or plastic - so much better for the earth!

Thank you Duncan Burns!

- Kelly Jenkins 


We love our new Fruit&VeggiePOD and, we are eating more veggies and fruit these days just because its much easier now!

Thank you. All the best,

~ Giancarlo Sini


“I received my Fruit&VegiePOD yesterday and I already love it!  I see my non-produce-eating family members helping themselves to the fruits and vegetables in the beautiful dome!  Thank you for creating such a great product.  I know the overall health of our family will be improved by its presence on the kitchen table.”  

     ~ Melody 


“By the way - I ordered a second POD today.  I plan to put leafy greens in the domes as well so I need more space for the crew.  I also plan to have homemade humus ready to spread on the leaves and/or to dip veggies in.  When the guys come in from working outside they are always starving.  I never quite know when they will be coming in so it is so nice to have these veggies ready for them while I finish the meal and put it on the table.  It is music to my ears to hear the tinkle of that glass lid.  Thanks again for developing a very useful and health-promoting product.”  

~ Melody  


I love the Fruit&VeggiePOD we recently purchased. Thank you for inventing it! I am going to buy it as a gift for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, both of whom I know will love it too. 
Thank you.
~ Cindy


Great to interview you Duncan. I love Fruit&VeggiePOD. Inside the fridge, vegetables are out of sight and mind. Forgotten produce spoils and is thrown away. With Fruit&VeggiePOD fresh healthy produce is in plain sight ready to eat.

Jane Velez Mitchell, Lunch Break Live     Los Angeles, CA

https://www.facebook.com/JaneVelezMitchell/     880,000+ FOLLOWERS! ***


Hi Duncan, 

Here is my testimonial for Fruit&VeggiePOD.

“I can’t say enough good things about Fruit&VeggiePOD. It’s beautiful and the quality is superlative. I store my vegetables and fruits at room temperature now. They are fresher longer with the Fruit&VeggiePOD and my husband and I are eating healthier. When the vegetables were hidden in the refrigerator compartment, we forgot about them and then threw them out. VeggiDome has saved our health and our money. I LOVE IT!”

Linda Hollander

CEO, Sponsor Concierge



"I love my Fruit&VeggiePOD! Have had it for years. Sits on the counter and keeps veggies happy. Thank you for inventing this, Duncan. I highly recommend"

~ Diane Gubin

Investment Banking services

Capital InVentures 


"Love my Fruit&VeggiePOD!

My VeggiDome is on my counter, showcasing zucchini, carrots, green beans, and radishes. 
Thanks, again!"

~ Winnona Gaviglio
Advertising Consultant
Ceemi Agency


"I have it on the counter every day. Kids love it. I love it. I am thrilled to have it.

Thank you." 

Elissa Ward, mom


"It works for me, 

I can see all my veggies!" 

- Oletha


"I love Fruit&VeggiePOD it looks so nice on the countertop and really does keep items fresher that don't want refrigeration, like tomatoes" 

- Bev


"I purchased this product to give to my niece and her husband after they remodeled their kitchen. Wanted to give them something that looked great, and it works!"

- Suzanne


"I absolutely love this product. I always have had fresh vegetables go bad on me in the refrigerator which was out of site/out of mind. This year, they are on the cabinet and as I look at them, I decide how to incorporate them in my meals etc. They last about two weeks in this glass produce saver and I love, love, love it"

- Judith


I'm still enjoying the Fruit&VeggiePOD in my kitchen and have definitely been eating more vegetables as a result of this product!  :-)

                        – Blake Riley


So far, it has been great and it also looks beautiful!

                        – Prisca Gloor, Ph.D.

                           Clinical Psychologist


It's really beautiful. A canvas we will keep adding to and enjoying.

                        – Alicia Freedman

                           True Renew Consulting

  1. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies


I am loving my Fruit&VeggiePOD! It is on my kitchen countertop and I am, indeed, eating more veggies every single day.  And I just love it when it's empty and I have to wash and refill... let's me know what a great job I'm doing snacking on the right foods!

                        Lynn Dils

                        Chelsea, MI


This is an awesome product. I think I need one for the studio now! :) So more people get to see how amazing this works.

                   –   Kitty Ward

                        Ageless Yoga Studio

                        Lexington, Ky


Just to say.. crisp, fabulous, love it!... ur a star, ur Fruit&VeggiePOD are destined for world wide distribution.

                        – Marlene Watson-Tara

                           UK <marlene@macrovegan.org>


It is totally working i.e. We are all eating veggies.  Plus it looks so nice.  After a reasonable trial period: The Fruit&VeggiePOD has SIGNIFICANTLY radically increased the amount of raw vegetables that our family consumes. 

I just had a carrot for breakfast with my coffee. And it’s good. Who would have thought?  Another Fruit&VeggiePOD win. Thanks for making this happen!

  • Matt Lewis, Ph.D.

                        Rand Corporation

                        Santa Monica, CA


The Fruit&VeggiePOD has exceeded my expectations, it’s great to see my wilted old lettuce from the fridge come alive in the Fruit&VeggiePOD! Where have you been all my life? Ingenious :) Thank you again.

  • Jenifer Anisman


            Marina Del Rey, CA


What a great start to my day! Thank you for a product that will be happily & healthily used for a long time!

                        – Diane Bianchetta

                           volunteer at geriatric, health, & home care

                           Boston, MA


Looks so pretty, full of veggies.  Even my carnivore husband was seen snacking !

  • Sandra Shillitoe 


Basically carrots, celery, lettuce, radishes and tomatoes, my advice will be one, when you reach for a snack, go to the Fruit&VeggiePOD. And for meal prep, is there anything in there you want to sauté or steam? If so, get to it. Then start building your salad while you prepare your dinner. When the VeggiDome is empty, refill it and repeat.

JL Fields, National Board-certified Health and Wellness Coach

  • Colorado Springs Vegan Cooking Academy


Thank you for a fabulous addition to my home! Just today, my boyfriend enjoyed a snack of a head of romaine lettuce that he would have never chosen had it not been clean and visible right in front of him. Thank you, VeggiPals!

       - Xine Heveron


Love my Fruit&VeggiePOD. It looks so colourful with all my veggies in it - mini carrots, celery, jicama. My husband eyed it suspiciously for a few days and then was frequently spotted munching on carrots. That's a win !

~ Sandra Shillitoe  


The Fruit&VeggiePOD has exceeded my expectations! It’s great to see my wilted old lettuce from the fridge come alive in the Veggidome!  Where have you been all my life?  Ingenious: Thank you again.

Jenifer Anisman  Attorney     Marina Del Rey, CA


What a great start to my day!  Thank you for a product that will be happily & healthily used for a long time. 

Diane Bianchetta Volunteer at geriatric, health, & home care              
Boston, MA


Great to interview you Duncan. I love Fruit&VeggiePOD. Inside the fridge, vegetables are out of sight and mind. Forgotten produce spoils and is thrown away. With VeggiDome fresh healthy produce is in plain sight ready to eat.

Jane Velez Mitchell, Lunch Break Live     Los Angeles, CA


Love my Fruit&VeggiePOD. It looks so colorful with all my veggies in it - mini carrots, celery, jicama. My husband eyed it suspiciously for a few days and then was frequently spotted munching on carrots. That's a win!      

Sandra Shillitoe, Physical Therapist     Los Gatos, CA 


Just to say.. crisp, fabulous, love it!... ur a star, ur Fruit&VeggiePODs are destined for world wide distribution.

Marlene Watson-Tarton  macrovegan.org    UK


It is totally working i.e. We are all eating veggies.  Plus it looks so nice.  After a reasonable trial period:, The Fruit&VeggiePOD has SIGNIFICANTLY increased the amount of raw vegetables that our family consumes.

Matthew Lewis, PhD. Rand Corporation     Santa Monica


We use our Fruit&VeggiePOD non-stop and just LOVE IT.


